A practical pocket guide to 163 plant species with medicinal qualities. Each entry features detailed artwork, concise descriptions, advice on foraging and planting, and medicinal uses, toxicity and side effects. The book also offers a brief history of foraging for medicine, practical tips on collecting wild plants safely and legally, and guidance on how to store, preserve and prepare medicinal plants in balms, teas and tinctures. By the author of the Concise Foraging Guide, Dark Skies, and The Bridleway.
- Author: Francis-Baker, Tiffany & Wildlife Trusts
- Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 15/05/2025
- ISBN: 9781399418102
- B-Code: B077612
- Illustrated: Colour illustrations
- Pages: 192
- Dimensions: 0x0mm