‘There he lay looking as if youth had been half-renewed, for the white hair and moustache were changed to dark iron-grey, the cheeks were fuller, and the white skin seemed ruby-red underneath […] It seemed as if the whole awful creature were simply gorged with blood; he lay like a filthy leech, exhausted with his repletion.' Thus Bram Stoker describes the demonic subject of his chilling masterpiece Dracula, a truly iconic and unsettling tale of vampirism. Introduction and notes by Dr David Rogers, Kingston University.
- Author: Stoker, Bram
- Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 05/04/1993
- ISBN: 9781853260865
- B-Code: B075274
- Illustrated:
- Pages: 352
- Dimensions: 198x129mm