Say hello to the Little Seasons, four magical friends who control the seasons in this irresistible series from author-illustrator Jo Lindley. This is a pitch-perfect story with a summer setting about managing emotions, especially anger and frustration, and showing compassion - to ourselves and others. Each title centres on a different seasonal character and gently explores key social and emotional themes, such as anxiety, self-belief and resilience, all set in an enchanting natural world that readers will love to return to again and again!
  • Author: Lindley, Jo
  • Publisher: Egmont Children's Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 15/09/2022
  • ISBN: 9780755503421
  • B-Code: B064454
  • Illustrated: Illustrated
  • Pages: 32
  • Dimensions: 275x245mm