Apart from the intense sexual chemistry, inspired casting and a lavish costume budget, what sets Bridgerton apart is the extensive use of location shooting. Bridgerton’s Bath takes you on a tour of locations such as No.1 The Royal Crescent (the Featherington’s house on Grosvenor Square), Abbey Green (Covent Garden) the Abbey Deli (Modiste couturier) and Bath streets including Beauford Square, a place for regular carriage tripsm, and the Royal Crescent, which reverberated to the sound of galloping hooves as our heroine raced to stop a duel.
- Author: Hicks, Antonia
- Publisher: Pitkin
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 01/07/2021
- ISBN: 9781841659275
- B-Code: B057577
- Illustrated: 70 photos
- Pages: 44
- Dimensions: 240x172mm