Follow the extraordinary journey of gin with The Curious Bartender, from its medieval origins as the herbal medicine genever to the dark days of the Gin Craze in 18th-century London, and on to its partnership with tonic water - creating the most palatable and enjoyable anti-malarial medication - and the present golden age, with hundreds of distilleries cropping up all over the world, producing superb craft products. Finally, put Tristan's mixology skills into practice with a dozen spectacular cocktails including a Purl, a Rickey and a Fruit Cup.
- Author: Stephenson, Tristan
- Publisher: Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 12/05/2016
- ISBN: 9781849757010
- B-Code: B022650
- Illustrated: 180 colour photos
- Pages: 208
- Dimensions: 235x190mm