Close to Adam Nicolson’s home in Sussex is a field overrun by bracken and brambles. It is the haunt of nightingales, the occasional cuckoo, ravens, robins, owls and warblers - a marvellous layer of life he had previously almost ignored. Adam built a small shed amongst the trees, with nesting boxes and bird feeders. Cocooned inside, season after season, he got to know the birds: where they nest, how they sing, how they mate and fight, what preys on them, what they are like as living things. This was his bird school.
- Author: Nicolson, Adam
- Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 10/04/2025
- ISBN: 9780008490836
- B-Code: B077098
- Illustrated:
- Pages: 304
- Dimensions: 240x159mm