The word 'Scouse' has three meanings: a stew made from cheap cuts of meat, once a fixture in the diet of Liverpool's working class; a native of Liverpool; and a dialect spoken by Liverpudlians. Scouse English was not widely heard outside the city until The Beatles and other ‘60s bands began storming the charts with the Mersey Sound. Taking in 'trabs' for trainers and 'Z-Cars' for the police, this pocket-sized book presents the roots and key words of one of England's most widely recognised dialects, famous for its quick repartee and inventive vocabulary.
- Author: Gemini Books
- Publisher: Gemini Books Group Limited
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 28/12/2024
- ISBN: 9781836160045
- B-Code: B075048
- Illustrated:
- Pages: 128
- Dimensions: 158x114mm