Crafted by Gabe Soria and Alec Ferrell, Occult Strategies draws inspiration from a groundbreaking project developed in 1975 by musical visionary Brian Eno and his collaborator, Peter Schmidt. Their creative approach to problem-solving using Oblique Strategies through indirect cues and unpredictable prompts is our guiding light, transported from the realm of music to the sphere of the mystical. Each card within the deck contains an esoteric epigram, concise cantrip, or a gnomic utterance, and together they comprise a gamified grimoire to untie the knots of magical quandaries.
- Author: Soria, Gabe
- Publisher: Ingram Publisher Services
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 31/12/2024
- ISBN: 9781945649530
- B-Code: B073383
- Illustrated: Full colour
- Pages: 56
- Dimensions: 120x69mm