This acclaimed debut novel, shortlisted for the Scottish Fiction Book Of The Year award, is a gripping literary thriller set in a speculative world. The Bunker was designed to keep them all safe, but in the end very few people made it there. Now they wait there for the outside world to heal. Wolfe is one of the lucky ones. She's safe and employed as the bunker's pharmacist, doling out medicine under the watchful eye of their increasingly erratic and paranoid leader. But when the leader starts to ask things of her, it seems her luck is running out and she must navigate the powder keg of life underground where one misstep will light the fuse. The walls that keep her safe also have her trapped.
- Author: Atalla, Rachelle
- Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 10/11/2022
- ISBN: 9781529342147
- B-Code: B072648
- Pages: 368
- Dimensions: 196x128mm