Hedgerow is now considered the greatest edge habitat on Earth: it offers thorny scrub, mature woodland, grassland and even wetland. It plays a critical role in carbon sequestration, provides essential protection against the elements, and is a vital habitat on farmland. In this journey around the wild edges of Britain, discover the life, ecology and history of the humble hedge: the hawthorn and hazel of ancient hedges; the abundance of wildlife, such as dunnock and nightingale, hedgehog and harvest mouse; and the free pickings that the hedgerow offers.
- Author: Hart, Christopher
- Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing UK
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 09/04/2024
- ISBN: 9781915294197
- B-Code: B071994
- Illustrated: 8pp colour
- Pages: 208
- Dimensions: 229x153mm