Stand-up comedian Janey Godley has provided much-needed relief throughout the coronavirus pandemic with her gallus Glesga voiceover videos which have gone viral. Following the success of Frank Get The Door, this a collection of illustrated thoughts and pictures of Honey, her wee sausage dog. Honey tells us what she really thinks about her life as a dachshund, and how lucky she was to be adopted, along with Janey’s own thoughts, and cute photographs and hilarious illustrations interspersed throughout. Contains strong language.
  • Author: Godley, Janey
  • Publisher: Luath Press
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 30/10/2022
  • ISBN: 9781910022696
  • B-Code: B059109
  • Illustrated: colour photos & illustrations
  • Pages: 128
  • Dimensions: 120x190mm