What's the difference between a meggie-monyfeet and a hornie-gollach? Between snap-an-rattle and murly-tuck? All is explained in the Doric Dictionary. This two-way lexicon of words and phrases used in Banffshire, Aberdeenshire, the Mearns and North Angus draws from the published works of the North-East's best-known writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. As the author says in his foreword, `There is not one monolithic form of Doric but a multliplicity of forms; and words can change not only from county to county but from village to village.'
- Author: Kynoch, Douglas
- Publisher: Luath Press
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 15/11/2019
- ISBN: 9781912147687
- B-Code: B040962
- Illustrated:
- Pages: 224
- Dimensions: 198x129mm